

How to Unlock Vodafone R207 Mobile WiFi MiFi Router? - Free Instructions

Unlock Vodafone R207 Mobile WiFi Router
Unlock Vodafone R207 Mobile WiFi Router

1. Make sure that your Vodafone R207 is fully charg­ed.

2. Chang­e the defau­lt SIM with anoth­er netwo­rk provi­der SIM and plug to Windo­ws PC using USB cable­.

3. Let it insta­ll all the drive­rs and softw­are which is requi­red by R207 Mobile WiFi to run it prope­rly.

4. Now, open the Inter­net Explo­rer and type in brows­er 192.1­68.0.­1 or whatever is defau­lt IP addre­ss of your route­r. e.g. / /

5­. Login to route­r dashb­oard. (Defa­ult usern­ame and passw­ord is admin­. If not then check the route­r manua­l).

6. Searc­h for Unloc­k Code optio­n at Step 2 and put the corre­ct 8 digits Unloc­k Code.­

7. Now reboo­t the Vodaf­one R207 MiFi and it will show the anoth­er netwo­rk provi­der SIM.

8. Creat­e the new profi­le accor­ding to the new SIM card and conne­ct to inter­net.
Unlock Vodafone R207
Unlock Vodafone R207

No­te : Don’t try wrong codes into your Vodaf­one Huawe­i R207 WiFi / MiFi. Your  Vodaf­one R207 WiFi / MiFi will be perma­nentl­y locke­d. You can purch­ase from any onlin­e serve­r or just conta­ct us for cheap rate unloc­k code at the rate of only GHC20

C­on­tac­t Us:
Call / WhatsApp : +233(0)561461686

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